Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eagle Eye

I introduce the movie, Eagle Eye.

The main character, Jerry Shaw, worked at copy shop.
One day, he found a lot of weapons in his room.
Then he got a call from unknown woman.
She said that if you wasn't caught, you must follow my advice.
He decided to follow her advice.

The other main character, Rachel Holloman, is a clerk in lawyer's office.
She got a call from unknown woman too.
It is said that follow my advice, or you would lost your son.
She decided to follow her advice too.

After that Jerry and Rachel met each other by unknown woman's advice.
Then they follow unknown woman's advice too.
Why woman chose them? What she want them to do?

If you want the answer, Please watch this movie!!


  1. I know this movie!
    This kept me in suspense!

  2. Hello!!
    I'm an IES5 student.
    I have never seen this movie.
    But I came to want to see this movie
    when I saw your blog:)

  3. Hello, I'm Marie in IES5 class:)

    I'm interested in this story.
    So, I want to see this movie!!
    Thank you for telling:)

  4. Hello.I'm IES(5).
    I've watched this movie.
    I think this is interesting movie too.

  5. Hi! I’m a student of IES 5.
    I have seen this movie! The end of it left something to be desired, but basically, it was so interesting!
