Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I introduce the movie, JUMANJI.

The main character Alan Parrish was a son and heir of shoe factory.
One day he found the board game JUMANJI.
After getting home, Alan and his friend, Sarah Whittle, played it.
This isn't only the board game.
Because the happening in the board game become real!!
The message for Alan's move was that.
"In the jungle you must wait, until the dice read five or eight."
Alan was trapped in JUMANJI jungle.
Sarah was scared that, so she abandoned the game.

26 years later, Judy and Peter Shepherd move into the Parrish house.
They played the game JUMANJI again.
Peter rolled five. Then the strange adult man appeared. It was Alan.
He knew happening after he disappeared.
When rolling the dice has no effect on the board,
Alan realizes they are continuing the game he and Sarah started back.
He decided to continue the game with Sarah.

Where is Sarah? Will they finish the terrible game?
If you want this answer, Please watch this movie!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Eagle Eye

I introduce the movie, Eagle Eye.

The main character, Jerry Shaw, worked at copy shop.
One day, he found a lot of weapons in his room.
Then he got a call from unknown woman.
She said that if you wasn't caught, you must follow my advice.
He decided to follow her advice.

The other main character, Rachel Holloman, is a clerk in lawyer's office.
She got a call from unknown woman too.
It is said that follow my advice, or you would lost your son.
She decided to follow her advice too.

After that Jerry and Rachel met each other by unknown woman's advice.
Then they follow unknown woman's advice too.
Why woman chose them? What she want them to do?

If you want the answer, Please watch this movie!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Iron Man

I introduce the movie, Iron Man.

The main character is Tony stark who is a president of Stark Industries.
Stark Industries sold weapons to armies.

One day, he went to Afghanistan to show the new missile "Jericho".
After the presentation, the guerrilla, Ten Rings, attacked him.
He saw the missile made by his company and passed out.

He woke and noticed that something is in his chest.
It was an electromagnet.
He had an fragment of missile in his cheat.
He cannot be alive without the electromagnet.

He made an armor to escape from the guerrilla.

After the escape, he decided to stop making weapons.
He tried to make the armor to save the citizens.
Finally he made the armor but someone sight that...
Who did slight the armor?

The sequel to this movie will show in June 11th.

Please watch this movie and the sequrl!!