I introduce the movie, Timeline.
The base of this movie is the SF story written by Michael John Crichton.
The main character, Chris Johnston, find the glasses in the excavation.
The excavation was built about 1357.
Glasses isn't invented and the word "Help me..." is in the wall.
After few days, man come to them and said "the word is written by your father".
The man is Robert Doniger who found the hole which leads to 1357.
Chris and his friends decide to rescue his father.
What will happen around them in 1357?
This is interesting.
Because what they found in the excavation leads to what they did in 1357.
If you saw this movie, you could enjoy it and study history.
As if you kill two birds with one stone.
If I went to 1357, I couldn't live there.
Please watch this movie!!

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